Todavía estoy aprendiendo / I'm still learning
Reír y enseguida llorar / Laugh and then cry
Al principio, la oscuridad / At first, darkness
Levanto mis dedos por vosotros / I lift my fingers for you
Todo es posible / Everything it's possible
Estudio II
15x56 Liquid emulsion on 200 grams paper intervened with a typewriter, 2018 -
El grito. Eso es todo. / The scream. That's all.
Liquid emulsion on handmadepaper
Gelatin print on paper
Gelatin print on paper
Gelatin print on paper
"in any case there was only one tunnel, dark and lonely; mine."
Extract from the novel El Túnel, Ernesto Sábato.
29x21 Liquid emulsion on 90 grams typed paper ,2018 -
A veces, me desgarra / Sometimes he tears me
Desconozco los caminos y las líneas / I ignore the ways and the lines
Gelatin print on paper
Pequeña como un pájaro / Small as a bird
Liquid emulsion on handmadepaper
Sin embargo, algo florece / Yet, it flowers
Quizás es posible / Maybe it's possible
Liquid emulsion on handmadepaper
Hay algo que aprieta / There's something that squeezes
she will crack slowly
by falling apart in scales
29x21 Liquid emulsion on 90 grams typed paper, 2018 -
Vivir y jugar, vivir y jugar / Live and play, live and play
Estudio V
15x56 Liquid emulsion on 200 grams paper intervened with a typewriter, 2018 -